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How to make purpose driven fundraising part of your revenue raising mix.


Delivering social innovation is not the sole space or privilege of the "charity sector". Likewise, making a profit is not the sole space or privilege of the "for-profit sector".


Today, most NGO's and charities have profit making/ trading arms as part of their business model, many for-profit firms deliver social change and social value back into their communities. If you are purpose driven in your approach to making profit, and you want to invest in and grow this area, then fundraising could be a revenue raising approach you too can explore.


Within the fundraising mix there are many different types of income streams. This session will focus on:


  • How to create a narrative that can be used to secure investment from grant giving institutions, purpose driven investors and crowd funding platforms.

  • Aim to take you into the minds of these funders and give you the building blocks to creating a narrative for your business to fundraise with.


Fundraising is about growth, not profit, so if you are looking to grow your business and in doing so, deliver social innovation, then this session is for you.


Small business is the bedrock of any community. Without a thriving small business sector, our communities decline and fail.  With the economic fall out from the Covid19 crisis, globally, communities need their small business sector more than ever before. If you thrive, our communities thrive too. That alone, is social impact!

Fundraising Workshop

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