Happy New Year!
Ask yourself this question....where do you want your brand to be in 2023???
You might fall off your chair with even the thought of it. But as we enter into 2021, this January I am challenging the BossSquad Members to get really clear on their 3 year goals.
Because the reality is this; you simply cannot build a brand, if you are unclear on where that brand is taking you.
Branding is a business function. An emotional connectivity and a vehicle that is meant to take your business to a destination. Whether you have an organisational or are in the business of one, your brand is meant to take that business somewhere. The question therefore is...where is it taking you?!
Irrespective of the current climate, in-fact, because of the economic uncertainties, now more than ever, you need to be clear on what you are doing, why you are doing it, and where you are going with it. Stop posting on social media with no direction. Stop networking, with no plan. Stop chasing money, with no idea on what that money is meant to be doing for you. Money after all, is just a tool, but a tool to do what?
If you are seeking to build a brand, you need to start by having a brand strategy (which by the way is completely different to a brand plan, more on that later!). For now, just note that your brand strategy is your GO.AA.TA - it is your goals and objectives, your awareness and approach, your targets and application. Your GO.AA.TA comprises of the elements needed to create a brand strategy that enables your brand to hit your 2023 aspirations.
Want help with it? Join the BossSquad Mentoring Programme and let's do the work!
Already a member? CLICK HERE .... we start back this Sunday 3rd January and I simply can't wait to teach you.
Love, Kubi