Introduction - Transform Your Brand
19th January - 27th January 2020
Start your online learning with our FREE introductory course.
Kubi Springer delivers the TRANSFORM YOUR BRAND 2020 series across BossSquad.TV and Instagram Live. Starting on Sunday 19th January until Monday 27th January 2020, this is an eight day interactive, informative and high energy e-course that will start the process to transforming your brand for commercial success.
How does it work?
9am - Every day new worksheets will be uploaded right her on BossSquad.TV at 9am GMT (UK time). Download the worksheet of the day and start to undertake the exercises.
9pm - Every night Kubi will teach for 1 hour on Instagram Live to help you work through the course and answer any questions you might have from the worksheets.
At the end of the 8 days those who complete the introduction course and email in their completed worksheets will gain a bonus free copy of our 'Market Your Business The Right Way audio book.
Note: the Instagram Live can be found here (Instagram - @shebuildsbrands)
Ready to learn? Let's go!